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Welcome to the Lemurian Times

William MacDonald

Here we fabricate news based purely in the realm of theories and speculation. Nothing is off limits. Our headlines are as real as our namesake, the lost continent of Lemuria.

This little project began as an idea to troll a coworker who is about as gullible as can be and is known to ardently believe in the craziest of conspiracy therories. Don't get me wrong, I love a good conspiracy theory. This fella, well, he's out there, and no amount of proof will derail him. If you could convince him the world is ending on April 1st, on the 2nd he'd be talking about how it happened.

Once I wrote the first article, I realized I didn't have a medium to post to. What started as a prank and a creative writing project turned into a website and a committment to write more.

AI Generated Lemuria
Fake Picture of Lemuria


Enjoy the Ride

If you're easily duped or easily offended, this is not the place for you. If, on the other hand, you have a sophisticated, slightly dark sense of humor with a tendency for worst-case speculation, join us in the wonderful art of trolling. Share our articles with your friends, family, coworkers. The nonsense we come up with will be a totalitarian wet dream, a nightmare for the free spirited, and a barrel of laughs for the critical thinker that isn't tricked into thinking it's real.

Remember: It's ALL Fake

As real as some of these headlines may feel, exactly NONE of it is factual. Much of what is published here will be based on current and world events, but it will be wildly speculative. In the odd event that anything published here comes true...that'll probably be the time to get off the web and start thinking about survival.

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